Hotel Benessere Trentino (Fiera di Primiero)

Via Montegrappa 2 - 38054
Fiera di Primiero (TN)nelle Dolomiti del Trentino

Val Canali “Cant del Gal” –Pradidali Refuge

Departure from the hotel lobby at 9.30 am with our guide who will bring you by bus to Val Canali where Villa Welsperg (headquarters of the Natural Park of Paneveggio) is located.

After a brief stop at the stand of "Cant del Gal", you will walk into the woods, following the signs for the path n.709.

In about an hour you arrive at Pedemonte, also known as Portela (1650 m), where the ascent to the refuge starts, and in about two hours, walking through an unforgettable rocky landscape, you arrive at your destination.

The refuge is located between the walls of the range of Pale di San Martino, from which many trails that lead into the heart of the rocky walls depart.

The Lake Pradidali is also nearby.

You can retrace the same path downhill to return.

This path is accessible also in winter with snowshoes.

In the afternoon our hotel offers you the chance to enjoy homemade cakes and sip infusions of various flavors.

Photos of our clients

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